•  Sullivan Middle School Language Policy



    Sullivan Middle School recognizes that language is central to all learning.  We know that communication is a fundamental concept of MYP-IB.  We believe that communication includes both spoken and written forms.  We encourage all students to develop both receptive and expressive language.

    All teachers are teachers of language, including subject-specific terminology.  Teachers must provide opportunities for students to explore and use language in authentic and meaningful ways.

    Language instruction is ongoing and purposeful in all classrooms. 


    English is the language of instruction.

    English as a course is taught through Language and Literature classes in all three years of Sullivan Middle School.

    Language Acquisition Courses

    ºÚÁÏÍø has created a middle school language acquisition curriculum that allows students to complete a Carnegie unit of high school language credit over two middle school years.  Seventh grade language acquisition is considered the first half of the high school course and eighth grade is the second half.  Students who pursue this option for seventh and eighth grade will receive a high school credit on their transcript.

    For seventh grade language acquisition classes, students may enroll in a course that carries 1/2 of a high school credit.  Students who do not take this option will not receive the half-credit.

    In eighth grade, students who took the half-credit option in seventh grade should enroll in the second half credit course.  The credits will go on the high school transcript.  Students who do not take the half credit option in seventh grade may not take the half credit in eighth grade.

    Any student who wishes to "replace" the language credit from middle school must retake, in ninth grade, a level 1 class in the same language as in middle school.  

    All students in the credit bearing eighth grade course will take the end of course exam for placement into Level 2 high school language classes.  Students whose end of course score is a 70-84 will be placed in a college prep Level 2 high school course; those who score an 85 or better will be placed in an the Level 2 Accelerated  language high school course.

    The language acquisition end of course exam score is weighted as 20% of the eighth grade final grade for high school transcript purposes.

    Language Acquisition is supported in our Media Center, which houses a collection of books and magazines in Chinese, Spanish and French.  There are 17 titles in Chinese, 8 in French and 82 titles in Spanish as well as People magazine in Spanish, which also support our ESOL population (the majority of whom are Spanish speaking).  We also have a subscription to Faces magazine, a monthly magazine that focuses on commonalities across cultures.  


    English as Second Language

    Every child upon enrollment to our district must take the Home Language Survey; those whose home language is not English, will be tested on Language Assessment Scale (LAS) for initial placement into a language program.  Student progress gaining English skills is measured yearly using Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELL) which measures speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.  


    Students whose native language is not English receive support services with our ESOL (English as a Second Language) teacher.  This support is provided through a daily 45-minute block and/or classroom inclusion support.  The 45-minute support block focuses on academic skills in all content areas, as well as providing extra time for students to test, and some academic skills.  Our ESOL teachers provide inclusion support to students in their content classes on a regular schedule. 


    All ESOL students receive accommodations in a LEP – Limited English Proficiency - plan until they score a level 5 (proficient) in all areas of the ACCESS for ELL.  These plans are developed by the ESOL teacher, in conjunction with the student, the student’s parents and teachers.  This document outlines support time, modifications and accommodations.  Our focus with ESOL students is development of both BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communications Skills) as well as CALPS (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills). 



    Individuals and Societies


    Assessed with Criterion C


    Language & Literature


    Assessed with all criteria

    Language Acquisition


    Phase 1 & Phase 2





    Assessed with Criterion D



    MYP 1  (6th grade)



    Phase 1 –

    French & Spanish: 100-150 words


    Chinese:150-250 characters


    Phase 2-

    French & Spanish: 100-150


    Chinese: 250-400 characters


    MYP 2 (7th grade)




    MYP 3  (8th grade)




    Teachers are expected to document differentiation for ESOL learners in their lesson plans.


    Expectations for Written Language


    Per vertical articulation meetings in the 2010-2011 (then revisited by vertical teams in the 2015-16) school year, students are expected to produce the following written pieces by the end of each grade.  Adjustments to word counts may be made per IEP or LEP requirements.